Site Info:
Joomla 3.9.13
CB: 2.4.2
CBSubs: 4.3.0+
The problem:
Password form field is hidden behind a "display: none !important" in 2 different values set by CBsubs or CB. One is named "displayDisabled" and the other is "hidden"
both seem to be part of the Template (one is from CBcomprofiler template.css, the other is the local template bootstrap.css)
I took a look at CB options and the most usual answer would be " Generate Registration Passwords " in Cb's registration option. But it is disabled.
A mirror site with the same settings, same template with minor variations of images, etc.. works fine. But this copy doesn't.
I had to add a CSS at the bottom of the page targeting ID #cbfr_51 to display inline.
Here is the full CSS and tags of the problematic PASSWORD field:
<div class="form-group row no-gutters sectiontableentry1 cbft_password cbtt_input cb_form_line displayDisabled hidden" id="cbfr_51"><label for="password" id="cblabpassword" class="col-form-label col-sm-3 pr-sm-2">Password</label><div class="cb_field col-sm-9 requiredDisabled"><div id="cbfv_51"><input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="" class="cbTooltip form-control requiredDisabled cbValidationDisabled" data-cbtooltip-tooltip="Please enter a valid password. No spaces, at least 6 characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs" data-cbtooltip-title="Password" data-rule-minlength="6" data-rule-maxlength="50" autocomplete="off" size="25" maxlength="50" mosreq="0" style="background-image: url(/""); cursor: auto;" data-hasqtip="32"><span class="cbFieldIcons"> <span class="cbTooltip" data-cbtooltip-tooltip="This Field is required" data-hasqtip="33"><span class="fa fa-star text-muted"></span></span> <span class="cbTooltip" data-cbtooltip-tooltip="This Field IS NOT visible on profile" data-hasqtip="34"><span class="fa fa-eye-slash text-muted"></span></span></span></div></div></div>
Any suggestions?
#cbfr_51_verify was also hidden. had to force it to be visible.