I am having a few issues with registering new users. Firstly I was having an error where new registrants couldn't even get passed the sign up, after they had filled in their details when they clicked the sign up button they were taken to an error page. After a lot of messing around, I finally realised it was the antispam plugin causing the issues. I currently have set it to unpublished to see if everything else works, I'm not sure what part of the antispam doesn't work without further testing, so any info on this would be a great help.
However now after registration no confirmation email seems to be sent out, I have checked all joomla email settings, (using phpmail) and test emails work from there, I have even tried the reconfirmation email and test email through community builder, but I have received no emails through from either of them.
These issues have only really started occurring since updating to the latest community builder, I hadn't change any settings on the site prior to updates and now since then registration has just not been working, without disabling antispam etc.
I was also wondering if there was a way to add a button for "resend email" to the sign up complete page.