shadowkiro wrote: Hello!
I have been considering of downloading and using community builder on my website.
Great - just download the free version and install on a test environment to see how it works for you.
At the moment there is few joomla components like uddeIM and kunena forum, which I am doubtful about.
Can CB mess up these components or will it some how work with them, if these two components are already there (and have been like 2 years or so)?
It is always a good idea to keep your extensions up to date as updates have new features, bug fixes and most importantly of all security fixes.
CB 1.9.1 works great with latest versions of Kunena and uddeIM.
Please check our picturebook tutorials:
I would like to develope my website more towards community kind of site where users would have their personal profiles an more personal space to work with. Right now I am worried only about how much changes this component would bring on other parts of my website.
CB does not change anything else on your site, it just adds new features.
You will need to start working with the CB processes instead of the Joomla ones to keep things in sync. So you would use the CB User Manager instead of the Joomla user manager and the CB Registration process instead of the Joomla one.