mitch2k wrote: Hi,
I'm using Joomla 3.3.1. and CB 1.9.1. I use the default CB login menu (index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=login). While loggin in, there is a "remember me" checkbox present, but it looks like it doesn't do anything.
Even if you select it, and login, no user details are remembered after you log out. Am I doiing something wrong?
I've searched the forum, and found some topics of older CB and Joomla version with users that had the same issue, but it looks like it wasn't resolved.
Any one else has this issue? Or do I have to activate a plugin or something?
remember be doesn't do anything if you log out
you check it, login, then close your browser.. come back later.. you'll be logged back in
but this assumes the users browser allows cookies and doesn't purge them on close
Joomla it self handles remember me entirely, we just send a true/false boolean if it was checked or not to Joomla login API