Hello everyone!
I'm using the latest CB component on a 2.5.17 Joomla site.
I have an issue with the pms settings (the title isn't clear enough
I'd like visitors to get in touche with users without loggin in or registering. I use UddeIM.
Tab Private Messaging System (uddeIM PMS) is set to public, right side, tabbed pane
Plugin PMS uddeIM is set to public
cb_login set to use uddeIM
I tried to look into the access in the user groups and so on but still no form showing. I also published the pms_link which displays fine but when clicked I get the forerver message "you are not logged in"... When I login, it displays of course!
I've been trying and trying, I can't find the clue.
Anyone have an idea?
Thank you in advance!