Hello, I run a website for a charitable organization. One of the things we would like to do is allow users to opt in/out of volunteering as well as recognize them for volunteer work if they've also opted in for recognition.
I'm just not sure if it's possible with Community Builder. We want to do something like this...
Show in registration form but not on profile: (We know how to do this.)
Field 1: Are you interested in volunteering? Yes (Checkbox)
Field 2: If so, what events are you interested in volunteering for? A, B, C, D (Multiple Checkboxes)
Field A: May we recognize your for your volunteer work? Yes (Checkbox)
Staff editable only: (We know how to do this in the backend.)
Field B: Has this person volunteered? Yes (Checkbox)
Show in public profile: (How do we do this?)
Field B status but only if
Field A = Yes
...Or better...
Field B status (IF Yes) but only if
Field A = Yes
...Or better yet...
Show "Has Volunteered!" in profile but only if
Field B = Yes AND
Field A = Yes
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.