(my native language is Spanish because I apologize for my bad english)
I use joomla 2.5 and Want to Generate a report PDF with the information of users registered with Community Builder 1.8. Specially I wish the above mentioned information to remain organized in a chart (pdf) with its heading (letterhead, logo, etc) in the top part and that later contains all the information, including the photo of the registered user. I Have seen that some of them mention Breezing Forms, but not as I relate it to the databases generated by the CB 1.8?
My explain are well?
Well, this process is very much used in my country, to manage the membership in many organizations, it consists of 3 steps, 1) fills the request in the system and 2) you print and take the generated chart and you go to the organization`s office 3) Later when you order is checked, they activate you membership in system.
Anyone can help me!