The answer is on their forum.. actually a piece of code meant for JomSocial but can be adapted very easily to CB. I can't get their CB profile name plugin to work either, so I followed those instructions. They're a little outdated since it's for an older version, but they give you an idea of what to look for.
(my slashes are backwards for the file location because I copied it from a local file)
First file, Category View :: \com_joomgallery\views\category\tmpl\default_images.php
@ Line 43 starts an LI tag. I do not remember the original code, but I have it now as:
<A HREF="/component/comprofiler/userprofile/<?php echo JText::sprintf($row->authorowner);?>"><?php echo JText::sprintf('JGS_COMMON_AUTHOR_VAR', $row->authorowner);?></A>
Second file, Detail view :: com_joomgallery\views\detail\tmpl\default.php
@Line 307-309
<div class="jg_photo_right" id="jg_photo_author">
<A HREF="/component/comprofiler/userprofile/<?php echo $this->image->author; ?>"><?php echo $this->image->author; ?></A>
Note that this is my specific SEF structure, and you'll have to adapt it to your own.