Hi. I am in need of swedish language for CB 1.7. All I can find is for 1.2.2.
Is there any way to convert this to 1.7?
Can I complete the 1.2.2 one with lines missing to make it 1.7 compatible, or do I have do the whole translation?
It's quite important to me as roughly 75% of the page is now swedish but many CB menues are in english, mixing languages so much makes it look sloppy so if someone could enlighten me I would try my best to do the translations, and then share with the community.
Hi I just spent the last 48 hrs translating most of the CB files. Many rows of characters indeed... :S
So The only part that is not translated yet is this file: admin_language.php but from what I read about it it is not needed to translate it...
now to my question/issue:
i have installed my language files (attached to this post) in the plugin-area of CB (I got a fresh Joomla 1.7 with CB 1.7 installed) but there is hardly no translation at all in any CB part. If you look at your own profile there is only parts of it that are translated and it is not found in my language files??
can someone explain to me how this is possible and how the translation should work? I have translated all that and it is not working? Giving me partial translation not even found in my language files? I dont get it?
I used the link in the thread (forge.joomlapolis.com/projects/lan-cb/wiki) and translated those files found there. Help, please...
I just tried uninstalling my Swedish language files and it was successful BUT the partial Swedish translation is still there, its when u edit your profile on "Contact info" tab. I h ave Swedish translation for front-end and back-end of Joomla and it looks like the translated phrases are from the default Swedish translation fr Joomla and not CB...
I am attaching a file showing how it looks like.. its an pdf...