Nick, this time I have 100% confirmed and replicated this issue with a brand new install of Joomla 1.7 and CB 1.7
1. Create database in phpmyadmin
2. Install Joomla
3. Install com_comprofiler
4. Install mod_cblogin
5. Install mod_comprofilerModerator
6. Install mod_comprofilerOnline
7. Create Profile menu.
8. Unpublish Joomla's default login module
9. Publish cblogin
10. Login to front end as admin
11. Go to profile -> Click "Update profile -> click "Update" (nothing needs to be changed).
12. Go to phpmyadmin and view the _users table - the params field should read:
This is the debug log:
13. Now, in the backend goto "Community Builder" -> "Configuration" -> "User Profile" Tab
14. Select NO for "Allow user to edit his CMS parameters in frontend" then save.
15. Return to frontend and attempt to update the profile again (again, nothing needs to be changed)
16. Go once more back to phpmyadmin and view the _users table - the params field will now read:
This is the debug log:
Subsequent edits to the profile only worsen the "padding" around the variables stored in the table.
I have also set Joomla to hide frontend user parameters (users -> user manager -> options) - this does not hide them in CB, nor does it rectify the situation as described above.
Any advice?