Hi Joomlapolitans,
I'm having a bit of a hard time setting up Gallery2 version 2.1. Here's what I've done so far:
1) I have FTP'd all the files to my host server
2) I have completed the installation process of Gallery2 on my host server (including setting up the MySQL db, etc)
3) In the admin panel of Joomla, I have installed the component com_gallery2_v2.0.13-beta2.zip
4) In the admin panel of Joomla, under Components > Community Builder > Plugin Management, I installed the plugin CB_plugin_gallery2.zip (in order to create a tab in the user's home to display his or her photos).
Then, when I go to my site and login as a user and go to the user's home I get this error message:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/content/o/r/g/MyDomainName/html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_g2bridge/g2bridge.php on line 160
This is one of my specific problems. I think it must have something to do with my configuration. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it.
My final goal is to have a site where users can have their own photo albums, and where other users can browse albums and users, similar to MySpace. On a macro level, I don't really understand where Gallery2, the component for Gallery, and "Gallery Bridge" all fit in to the process. What do they each do? What am I missing?
Again, I would be very thankful if anyone could shed any light on these questions. Thanks!