I've just started to integrate
commenting solution with CB, having a goal to minimize existing code/text duplication.
Now I have problem with porting plugin parameters to CB: everything looks like Joomla! 1.5 native parameters, but custom parameter type doesn't work.
E.g. in Joomla! 1.5 I successfully use:
<params addpath="/components/com_yvcomment/elements">
<param name="YVCOMMENT_DESCRIPTION" type="yvcommentspacer"
default="" label="DESCRIPTION" description="" />
The main purpose of this custom type is to initialize "yvComment kernel" and, by the way, load language strings.
In CB 1.2 this "custom parameter type" doesn't work plus I have this notice:
Notice: Use of undefined constant _HANDLER - assumed '_HANDLER' in C:\Inetpub\yv-joomla\www\administrator\components\com_comprofiler\library\cb\cb.params.php on line 1244
(it looks like something is not implemented yet in CB...).
So my question is:
- How can I have "custom parameter type" for the user plugin (the custom type, which is handled by the plugin's code)?
- How can I execute some code of my user's plugin on the "Community Builder Plugin: Edit" page?
Post edited by: yvolk, at: 2009/04/05 15:31