You can thank Rapunzi for harassing me, because I wouldn't have started working on anything J1.5 for a while. Now that I've started I get all intense about it and have to finish before I can sleep...
My J1.0.X Status plugin/comp/modules are working AWESOME on my golf site.
I've pretty much finished updating my Karma plug and all seems to be working. The karma was much more complicated because of the ajax stuff and because of other features.
The Status plugin is much more simple and I think it will be easier to convert to native Joomla! 1.5.
My STATUS system currently doesn't even need CB. It will work for a standard Joomla! install and the CB plug is extra. The "statai" are only stored in the db until the next one is updated. I realize facebook and many other sites keep them in the db forever and maybe I can add that feature, but man talk about a db hog. My members like seeing the current status updates and that is about it.
And to answer your question... YES I plan on releasing it to the community. I've benefited greatly by the "free" joomla platform and the "free" CB system. I feel that I'm paying the community back by contributing to it. I do that to show my appreciation.
Post edited by: mediaguru, at: 2009/05/04 04:36