I have ported this avatar hack to mamblog for my purpose and I have seen that some users here were interested.
in mamblog.html.php find :
<td valign="top" colspan="4">
then add before
echo $blog->text; ?>
[code:1] // modif pour inclure l'avatar CB
global $database, $mosConfig_live_site;
$query = "SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id = $blog->created_by AND avatarapproved = '1'";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$avatar = $database->loadResult();
$avatarlink = "";
$txt = "";
if ( $avatar ) {
$avatarlink = $mosConfig_live_site.'/images/comprofiler/tn'.$avatar;
$txt = "<a href=\"".sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user='.$blog->created_by)."\"><img src=\"$avatarlink\" HSPACE=\"5\" border=\"0\" align=\"left\" class=\"authorimg\" /></a>";
echo $txt;
// fin modif avatar CB[/code:1]
To activate this to work, you need to make a link like that :
vith SEO activated:
I would be happy if someone that know well the CB API to use the function to create the page navigation could help me with that.
I ask that because currently if the total number of blogs is more than the number of blog that must be show (variable setup in the backend), only the firsts blogs are shown, then there is for each other ones a text link that points to them.
My aim is to change this and put a link to have the next X blogs that reloads the page wich new ones.
Well, I hope that will be no issues with that. It works well on my computer with the last joomla and akocomment 2.0 installed. Please make a backup of the file before to update it in case of..
After a few hours of work I have added the call to mosPageNav class to have some links to browse ALL the blogs.
It seem to work fine, however some areas of the code are dark for me and I wouldn't be surprised if I had broken some features. However until now I have no problem. Contact me to have the file if you want to test it.
the next feature I will add will probable be the number of hits of each blog.
Post edited by: houbahop, at: 2006/12/11 03:06