Hello all,
Is there any chance somebody could rewrite this to be Joomla 1.5 compatible?
I'm not getting errors (Joomla 1.5.7, CB 1.2, Eventlist 1.0) but the events I registered for just don't show up... Perhaps it's as simple as a different SQL? The plugin doesn't call on Eventlist, it just reads out database info, so if it reads out the right info, it might work?
For the site I'm currently developing it is paramount that users can view which events other users/friends are going to, which is exactly what this does...
Or is it legacy enabled?
I'm not interested in the other one, showing what events a user has submitted. Only in what he has registered for..
Any input?
EDIT: On page 6 of this post a working donwload link is posted:
Post edited by: Unbeliever, at: 2008/10/11 06:08