You're right: with MosCE there doesn't appear to be a way to limit an entry's total disk space. You can set global limits to upload sizes of images, documents Flash movies and the like, but a determined user could potenially upload an obscene number of files.
Okay...plugin brainstorming...
Since MosCE (and likely other WYSIWYG editors) create user directories for their uploaded files, developing a CB plugin that checks and limits the total amount of disk space available in a user's directory might be a decent approach.
And it'd only require one parameter: the directory's maximum size, though I'm sure that others are used in UHP that could be incorporated (never used UHP). Any other ideas?
<add> Just tried it and MosCE seems to be working fine, with of the course the above limitation still relevant and a known issue with tabbed panes in Firefox, which come to find out is easily fixed:,com_simpleboard/Itemid,/func,view/catid,7/id,286/#286
Post edited by: pointri, at: 2005/11/30 06:44