Well its day 2 of my 1st CB Plugin and I'm kind of stuck. I've read the API document, at least the 30% of it I could understand, as well as taken a stab at the J! API docs and also searching the forums and looking at other plugins and I still can't find the answer.
My plug-in has a backend parameter that is filled with the typical code to call a Flash module (<object>...<embed>...)
When I get that code with "$params->get" and display it on the front end, it just displays the HTML code, not the flash object
I've tried escaping it and using the htmlentities, stripslashes, htmlspecialchars but nothing seems to work. I was able to hardcode the escaped code in the .php program and the Flash module displays correctly so I know everything else is ok, but I would much prefer to have the code come in as a parameter.
What am I doing wrong?