with debug on I get the following error:
JDatabaseMySQL::query: Unknown column 'NA' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jos_users u, jos_comprofiler ue WHERE u.id = ue.id AND u.block = 0 AND ue.approved = 1 AND ue.confirmed = 1 AND u.gid IN (29,19,20,21,18, 18, 101, 102, 103, 19, 20, 21, 30,24,23,25, 23, 24) AND (u.username LIKE '%scuba%' OR name LIKE '%scuba%' OR NA LIKE '%scuba%' OR lastvisitDate LIKE '%scuba%' OR registerDate LIKE '%scuba%' OR avatar LIKE '%scuba%' OR username LIKE '%scuba%' OR NA LIKE '%scuba%' OR lastupdatedate LIKE '%scuba%' OR sex LIKE '%scuba%' OR colors LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_interests LIKE '%scuba%' OR tribe LIKE '%scuba%' OR have LIKE '%scuba%' OR want LIKE '%scuba%' OR workwww LIKE '%scuba%' OR persweb LIKE '%scuba%' OR occupation LIKE '%scuba%' OR hometown LIKE '%scuba%' OR bands LIKE '%scuba%' OR favmovies LIKE '%scuba%' OR favbooks LIKE '%scuba%' OR dreams LIKE '%scuba%' OR vacations LIKE '%scuba%' OR career LIKE '%scuba%' OR bio LIKE '%scuba%' OR peoplelike LIKE '%scuba%' OR crazy LIKE '%scuba%' OR firstname LIKE '%scuba%' OR middlename LIKE '%scuba%' OR lastname LIKE '%scuba%' OR skype LIKE '%scuba%' OR lastupdatedate LIKE '%scuba%' OR status LIKE '%scuba%' OR bodytype LIKE '%scuba%' OR eyecolor LIKE '%scuba%' OR haircolor LIKE '%scuba%' OR bodyart LIKE '%scuba%' OR humor LIKE '%scuba%' OR playsports LIKE '%scuba%' OR favfoods LIKE '%scuba%' OR smoking LIKE '%scuba%' OR drinking LIKE '%scuba%' OR children LIKE '%scuba%' OR living LIKE '%scuba%' OR ethnicity LIKE '%scuba%' OR spirituality LIKE '%scuba%' OR education LIKE '%scuba%' OR myblog LIKE '%scuba%' OR myspace LIKE '%scuba%' OR tribenet LIKE '%scuba%' OR ryze LIKE '%scuba%' OR hotornot LIKE '%scuba%' OR meetup LIKE '%scuba%' OR politics LIKE '%scuba%' OR heightfeet LIKE '%scuba%' OR heightinches LIKE '%scuba%' OR sexuality LIKE '%scuba%' OR purpose LIKE '%scuba%' OR yahooim LIKE '%scuba%' OR icqim LIKE '%scuba%' OR msnim LIKE '%scuba%' OR aolim LIKE '%scuba%' OR hearabout LIKE '%scuba%' OR email LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_aboutme LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_actage LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_linkedin LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_flickrurl LIKE '%scuba%' OR cb_businessblog LIKE '%scuba%')
It looks like the query is not including the jos_comprofiler_fields table. The weird thing is that is works fine when I use a search term that is in the username or name field.
It might be a nice feature for the plugin to allow the admin to choose which field will be included in the search. Something like a list of all field with a checkbox to enable it.
Post edited by: scubaguy, at: 2007/09/07 02:30