I hacked away at a couple of modules and plugins to get pagination, search, and sort to work on the CB authorstab.
I also needed to make it compatible with AlphaContent.
For the most part I succeeded. The problem I am having now is with my SEF URLs
The URLs are the same for standard Joomla output and SEF enabled standard Joomla output. However, whenever I enable a 3rd party SEF component, the URLs do not match.
The strange this is that I created 3 modules yesterday using the same link code and they all conform to what I expect.
With 3rd Party extensions, the modules and alphacontent produce the same URLs. However in the CB plugin, the task,view appears as /view/ . I am not sure why.
The code is 400 lines long so if you can download it here.
I really want to understand why it is different SEF URL outputs for the same code.