I have Joomla 1.0.12, CB 1.0.2, SMF 1.1.2 and the Simplemachines SMF Bridge 1.1.7.
I have the bridge set to use the CB registration page, but when a user puts in all their details and clicks the submit registration button, they get an error:
comprofiler store error (did you apply all database changes ? try reapplying all SQL queries described in experts upgrade instructions in README.txt):
DB function failed with error number 1062
Duplicate entry '391' for key 1 SQL=INSERT INTO joomlalgbt_comprofiler ( `id`,`user_id`,`approved`,`confirmed`,`registeripaddr`,`cbactivation`,`firstname`,`middlename`,`lastname` ) VALUES ( '391','391','1','0','','regb5526da5a9be412217c1e0f56bcee69108b5a1c1','','','' )
INSERT INTO joomlalgbt_comprofiler ( `id`,`user_id`,`approved`,`confirmed`,`registeripaddr`,`cbactivation`,`firstname`,`middlename`,`lastname` ) VALUES ( '391','391','1','0','','regb5526da5a9be412217c1e0f56bcee69108b5a1c1','','','' )
I'm not entirely ure what it means though because I haven't done any upgrades.
The users do get registered in the database, but they don't get an e-mail to activate their account.
The address of the site is
If anyone has any ideas, they'd be much appreciated