Couple of quick questions that I'm sure are easy for most to answer:
1) When a user logs in can I have it so that it goes directly to his user profile instead of staying at the mainpage?
2) When I add a plugin to the site and say where I want it located, the list at the left doesn't list just the normal user profile page. I just want the user to be able to do certain things on his profile page but it only give me optiosn like user-your details, user-blog, etc. How can I remedy this?
3) How can I provide a link in the user menu to view the users profile... such as you see in the user's online area (clickable links)... but I don't want to have to show who's online... I just want to let the user "view profile".
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Post edited by: loki10, at: 2007/02/20 18:41