Version 1.5 is out! It includes several code enhancements, plus now you may include a user's avatar (if any) inside the invitation email template.
More importantly, version 1.5 supports a new PlaxoInvite extended component. This component comes separate as an add-on, and replaces the original PlaxoInvite manager (so uninstall it first, if you already have it installed). It has the following features:
- Include sending invitations as part of the registration process
- Allows users to send invites through a separate component instead of their profiles (you may hide the invite tool in their profiles to prevent confusion)
- Namecard feature, which is basically a URL which your users can leave anywhere they want (forum posts, other websites, emails etc), and when people follow this link, they will view their namecards with a link to register on your site. Namecard invitations are considered a successful valid invitation.
More details
As usual, existing customer will receive a copy of version 1.5. Look out for it in your mailbox.
Post edited by: p9939068, at: 2007/02/06 15:06