This post describe how the plugin can be made to work with 1.0.2.
0) Back up
1) run this query: UPDATE `jos_comprofiler_fields` f,
jos_comprofiler_tabs t SET f.table = concat( "#__comprofiler_listtab_", f.tabid ) WHERE f.tabid = t.tabid AND t.pluginclass = 'listtab';
2) modify comprofiler.php
Find this line located roughly at line number 650
$database->setQuery( "SELECT f.* FROM #__comprofiler_fields f, #__comprofiler_tabs t"
. "\n WHERE f.published=1 and f.tabid = t.tabid AND t.enabled=1 and f.readonly=0" );
And change it to this
$database->setQuery( "SELECT f.* FROM #__comprofiler_fields f, #__comprofiler_tabs t"
. "\n WHERE f.published=1 and f.tabid = t.tabid AND t.enabled=1 and f.readonly=0 AND f.table like '?__comprofiler'" );
Then copy the files included in the attached zip over the original files.
NeonDevil: I included your readme here since it is much better than mine. Also put you in the copyrights.
Attachment not found
Post edited by: mikko, at: 2006/12/06 12:22