Nice matrix, I'm really digging it!
One thing though, when I do the following SQL string:
SELECT * FROM #__comprofiler WHERE avatarapproved=1 AND avatar NOT LIKE 'NULL' AND banned='0' ORDER BY RAND()
Everything is cool, and it works. But my CB is still young, and would like more than the 1 user result I get from that string, so I try the string that displays all users, ordering by avatar first:
SELECT * FROM #__comprofiler WHERE avatarapproved=1 AND banned='0' ORDER BY avatar DESC
But when I do this, I get duplicate users. Some users show up twice, some show up once. Any ideas? I've checked the DB, just in the event that there were duplicate entries, and there are none. I'm really confused about this.. admittedly, I dont know much about SQL, so I could have typed something wrong..