Here is my tutorial:
1) Until i add the database stuff to do it automatically you will need to add a field to your joomla database for the player.
To do this you need to execute this command on your joomla database:
CREATE TABLE mp3player(userid int,filepath varchar(17), numofsongs int,owner int,primary key(userid));
This will create the table needed to store the music information.
2) Next thing you need to do is download the flash player from
. unzip the folder and upload it to some folder on your site.
Now you will need to update the $homepath variable to point to this folder. You would use the url to the folder like "
3) Next update your $plugin path. This is the full url link, like "
4) the next thing you need to set is your $filedir. this is the path to where the music is going to be uploaded to. this needs to be the full server path like
5) the next field is the $upload_dir. this is the same as the $filedir field except it doesn't have the full server info:
6) you need to set your $MAX_SIZE field to restrict file sizes. this is in bytes so like 7000000 is 7MB.
Thats it. i am working on making these field parameters so that you don't have to look at code all day. maybe someone can help me with this. I'm still a newbie to CB coding.