I made a few tests to try to find out why conditions was not working for me with my two drop-downs: 1 dropdown has all the countries in the world, and the other has all the cities.
I found out that the plugin works if i just insert manually in the database a small amount of rows for each of the 2 fields, and the corresponding conditions.
But when i populate the rows massively it stops working. The 2 drop-downs are fully populated and shown with all values.
It's all together 230 countries and more than 6000 cities.
If then i delete all the conditions(one for each country) but i leave the first 2, and i also remove all the country and city rows in jos_comprofiler_field_values except those related to those 2 countries, it works: I get the country drop-down list populated with those 2 countries and the cities drop-down is empty until i make a selection in cb_country.
Does this strange thing make sense? Is there any logic or limit somewhere in the code on the number of conditions you can have for one same field(in this case a drop-down)?
I hope you can through some light, i don't know what else to check