The component are under heavy development and will be realesed here
in a short future.
About germany provider - Do you have any germany provider that have this function? Maybe I can build in that in the component for the firsta alhpa or beta released.
I´m currently on development build 2, starting with dev build 3 now.
Here is a little roadmap list for the component
Here is the ToDo list for Development Build 3 until Beta is released
* Make it possible to Publish / Unpublish and edit sms in admin backend
* Make it possible to Publish / Unpublish and edit prefix in admin backend
* Make it possible to Publish / Unpublish and edit smilies in admin backend
* Make it possible to change Name tag when not integrated to Community Builder
* Activate settings of thumb height + widht
* Clean out some unnecessary code
* Integrate with other sms providers in the world
* Possible to make different colors for different prefix in component
* Possible to make different colors for if sender = me in component
* Possible to make different colors for if message text LIKE = me in component
ToDo list for release 1.1
* Make it possible to show only one or more prefix in the component
* Make it possible to upload smileys from Telefix Backend
* Make it possible to receive sms from every IP but only show from (&ipadress= task)
* Integrate &country= task in component
* Rate settings, to see total rate for users and money flow in
ToDo list for release 1.2
* Integrate payment support, to set user to different user group (with JACLPlus integration)
* Statistics rate, to see statistics of money flow
* Integrate phonesupport (input data in the database)
* Send sms support (if is done with there solution for this)
* SMS send support for different kind of
* More country support
ToDo list for release 1.3
* Integrate with VirtueMart for payment of products
* Integrate payment support for unique items (for i.e sending an sms with message song_2 will let the user download song_2 in the front end)
* PRN Support (to make it possible to receive sms from more than one provider)