Hope this is enough...
PHP built On: Linux #1 SMP Wed Nov 16 10:03:05 CET 2005 i686
Database Version: 4.0.26-standard-log
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Configuration File: <?php
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administrator/backups/ Writeable
administrator/components/ Writeable
administrator/modules/ Writeable
administrator/templates/ Writeable
cache/ Writeable
components/ Writeable
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images/banners/ Writeable
images/stories/ Writeable
language/ Writeable
mambots/ Writeable
mambots/content/ Writeable
mambots/editors/ Writeable
mambots/editors-xtd/ Writeable
mambots/search/ Writeable
media/ Writeable
modules/ Writeable
templates/ Writeable
Joomla 1.0.8
Community Builder 1.0
Php connector Version 1.0.2 BETA