Ossolution Team released a set of plugins for Community Builder. They are power CB plugins to allow user can do everything relate to other components (
Joomla Content, JoomGallery, Simgallery and HwdVideoShare) inside their profile page. These plugins use completely AJAX technology for displaying and sorting contents, submit comments/ratings/favourite for contents, images, videos, etc. They include a lot of flexible features which are really helpful for your community site.
+ Main features:
1. Ajax sorting
2. Ajax pagination
3. Viewing items (contents, images, videos) within lightbox
4. Ajax Upload
5. Flash Uploader
6. Favourites/Rating/Comments ajax integration fully
7. Submit data for contents,JoomGallery, SimGallery and HwdVideoShare components within their profile wihout reloading page
8. A lot of configurations to make the plugins done flexibly.
For more details, please check them out at our website:
Plugins for Community Builder
If you are interest in these plugins, please post questions here or at the
Forum for these plugins
I hope that these our plugins are really helpful for users of your site.