I need to have a permanent default value for a field (FieldA).
Here are the settings for FieldA:
Type: CheckBox (Single)
Parameters: Display -> Edit Style -> Buttons
Checked Label: Yes
Unchecked Label: No
Conditional: Field conditional show
When FieldA is initially hidden and only appears based on certain conditions, the "Yes" and "No" options in the profile edit mode appear unselected until one of them is clicked. While this behavior isn't really a problem, it becomes an issue when there's a second field (FieldB) that depends on FieldA.
For example, when the visibility condition of FieldB is linked to the value "1" of FieldA, it doesn't work properly because FieldB remains visible:
- when FieldA is hidden
- when FieldA is shown but the buttons are unselected.
Here are the settings for FieldB:
Type: Text
Conditional: Field conditional show -> FieldA -> Displayed User -> Equal to -> 1
So, I expect FieldB to remain hidden unless FieldA is set to "1" (Yes). However, FieldB remains visible unless "No" is selected on FieldA.
EDIT: When FieldA meets its conditions and becomes visible, FieldB works fine as it is hidden even in the case where FieldA buttons are unselected and becomes visible/hidden when Yes/No clicked. In the case where FieldA becomes hidden, FieldB becomes and remains visible. Maybe I could set the same conditions to FieldB as FieldA but I think that FieldB should be hidden even without conditions (except FieldA value "1") since FieldA is hidden and the only way for FieldB to appear is when FieldA has value "1". Am I wrong?