That cannot create new shares while expired. They can however see whom they've already shared to and remove those shares while expired. It wouldn't be good for them to not be able to manage those until renewed. However if the plan was never shared and it is expired then ideally the button should just not show and have added a feature ticket to implement this.
True. That makes sense. And yes, the user I was testing with had not shared the plan beforehand so thank you for making plans to implement this use case.
The user was active or the subscription was active? They shouldn't even be able to login if their account is blocked. They should be able to reach that page fine even when expired and seams to work fine in my tests thus far. The error you saw should not be happening.
Yes, I went through the process of reactivating them to make sure the Family Plan plugin was working and it was. The error was only happening on the reactivation page, but the implementation you've added should do away with that error. Thank you, Kyle!