I would recommend finding out what hashing method your web app is using so you can properly generate their passwords.
The onStartSaveUserRegistration trigger doesn't have any user data at this point. I suggest instead using the following triggers.
Backend: onAfterNewUser
Frontend: onAfterUserRegistration
You'll be able to get the users plaintext password during those using [password]. You can then hash it based off the web apps hashing behavior so their password is consistent across both systems. You can update the password during profile edit as well. So to cover those cases you'll need the below triggers.
Profile Edit
Backend: onAfterUpdateUser
Frontend: onAfterUserUpdate
For those you'll want to create a condition to check var1_password against var2_password to make sure the password changed. This should allow you to properly keep the systems in sync.
The better way to usually do this is extending the authentication process of your web app. So if the user tries to login and that user doesn't exist in the web app database try to login to your Joomla database with the credentials they supplied and if that was a success create them in the web app database and log them in. This is doable using the Login / Logout auto action as it can be used as an API endpoint. Example as follows.
Triggers: None
Type: Login / Logout
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Mode: Login
Method: Username
Username: [post_username]
Password: [post_password]
Force Login: Yes
Redirect: none
Display: JSON
return json_encode( [ 'logged_in' => ( (int) '[data1_user_id]' > 0 ), 'user_id' => (int) '[data1_user_id]' ] );
Method: PHP
Substitutions: Yes
Your web app would just send a POST to this auto action and it'd return the JSON from the Layout. You can add as much user information as you need there. Since they've submitted a POST to the webapp with their plaintext password you'll be able to push that, hashed of course, into the web app database as well.
If you still want to just have it pick from some random passwords then simply add that to your PHP. You can call $user->getRandomPassword() for CB to generate a random password for you as well.