I successfully created a step-based registration form according to your tutorial "Tabbed step-based registration forms".
The form will start from Tab1 and then will go to Tab2, Tab3... and so on.
But there's a problem...
For example if I press the "reload page" button in the browser (key F5) while I'm in the Tab3... The browser reloads the page at the specific Tab3 but in the while I have lost all the data submitted in the previous Tabs (Tab1 and Tab2 in this example)...
The same problem happens if I start the registration process, I proceed to Tab2 or 3, then I click the home button and then again I click to "register" to restart again the registration process. In this case I'm redirected to the Tab2 or 3 (where I was before clicking home button) but in the while I have lost all the data from the preeceding Tabs.
Is there a way to make the form always restart from the first Tab? Maybe a "validation process" that send me to the first Tab if a field from Tab1 is empty?
Moreover is there a way to "identify" the specific Tab so I can create a link that send me directly to that Tab?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Last edit: 5 years 3 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7771] tag to subject
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Thanks for the quick answer and for the bug ticket opened, I hope the team will solve this bug as soon as possible.
In the while, in your opinion... Is there anything I can do to avoid the problem? Is there a specific url or anchor to the first tab that I can use to send the user everytime he clicks on the "register" button?
You won't be able to reliably override every registration URL. There is no way to avoid this issue at this time, but it shouldn't be a major problem. Even if it starts them off on the wrong tab worst case they need to use the Previous button. A fix for this will be out sometime today.
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