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Strange behaviour after installing thenewest CB Gallery plugin

7 years 4 months ago - 7 years 4 months ago #298971 by erichburkhard
I am Using: CB 2.1.3 / CB Gallery 2.1.0 / newest Joomla version

With the new CB Gallery plugin it is possible to approve easiliy all the (pending) gallery images (of all registered users). If you login as a moderator the workflow module shows you a link to all gallery items which have to be approved. On my 3 lingual website this process 'works' , but with the following 'restrictions':

The prerequisite for the following test is that I have 1 avatar picture to approve an 1 normal gallery picture to approve. The behaviour of my website is depending on the chosen language after the moderator has logged in:

In the workflow area there is a link to approve 1 avatar picture (correct). The link to approve 1 Gallery Picture is totally missing.

In the workflow area there is a link to approve 1 avatar picture (correct). The link to approve 1 Gallery Picture is there but not rendered propperly. Anyway: Both links work and I can approve the avatar picture and the gallery picture as well.

In the workflow area there is a link to approve 1 avatar picture (correct). The link to approve 1 Gallery Picture is totally missing.

In order to find the bug I deinstalled the plugin and reinstalled it again. But it didn't help what is wrong?

Last edit: 7 years 4 months ago by erichburkhard.

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7 years 3 months ago #298988 by krileon

The link to approve 1 Gallery Picture is there but not rendered propperly.

Whoever translated that string translated %%COUNT%% when they weren't supposed to. The language strings for the workflows module from CB Gallery are as follows.

'GALLERY_ALBUM_APPROVALS' => '%%COUNT%% Album Approval|%%COUNT%% Album Approvals', 'GALLERY_MEDIA_APPROVALS' => '%%COUNT%% Media Approval|%%COUNT%% Media Approvals'

In both cases the %%COUNT%% is not supposed to be translated. It will dynamically select whether plural or singular usage should be used and replace %%COUNT%% with the actual number.

As for the link not showing for English and Spanish it just sounds like for those workflows modules for those languages don't have "CB Plugins integration" set to "Yes".

Kyle (Krileon)
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7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #299202 by erichburkhard
Hi Kyle - seems to work - MANY THANKS :-) - are you going to inform the translation team so they can adapt these wrong translation strings for a future update of the gallery plugin?

Just a final question: At the moment the media approval process is as follows. Eg. If there are 5 medias / Fotos to approve the procedure is as follows:

1. I click on the link: "5 Media Approvals"....
2. The screen with the 5 medias will be presented to me
3. I approve 1 media...and straight after this the screen 'jumps back' to the profile overview of the moderator (the moderator is approving)
4. I have to click again on the link: "4 Media Approvals"
5.The screen with the 4 medias will be presented to me
6. I approve 1 media...and straight after this the screen 'jumps back' to the profile overview of the moderator (the moderator is approving)
7. I have to click again on the link: " 3 Media Approvals"
8. ......will be continued until everything has been approved

How can I fix this ?

Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by erichburkhard.

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  • krileon
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7 years 3 months ago #299203 by krileon

Hi Kyle - seems to work - MANY THANKS :-) - are you going to inform the translation team so they can adapt these wrong translation strings for a future update of the gallery plugin?

We just upload the language files to transifex and from there the community maintains them. You can find CB Gallery transifex below if you wish to contribute.

I've also let Nick know so he can check if we forgot to upload latest language files.

How can I fix this ?

That's a bug it would seam. It's supposed to remember where you were and return you there, but doesn't appear to be doing that for that button. Have added a bug ticket to fix.

Kyle (Krileon)
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7 years 3 months ago #299210 by erichburkhard
Hi Kyle - I think I found also a further issue. The scenario is as follows. Lets assume that there are 3 gallery photos to approve by the moderator:

1. Login as moderator -> in the workflow area the moderator sees the link: '3 Media Approvals'
2. The moderator clicks on this link .....he will see all 3 media at one place....each media can be approved or declined by either using the 'Approve' or 'Delete' buttons just below the media (method 3b) ....or by using the 'Approve' and 'Delete' menu items that appear when you move the mouse over the media (method 3a)

method 3a:
The 'Approve' and 'Delete' menu items work both correctly....

method 3b:
The 'Approve' button under the media works correctly - But if you click onto the 'Delete' button, the following happens: There appears a pop up menu: "Are you sure you want to delete this foto? OK / Cancel" .....and after 1 second this menu disappears. Even if I click very fast on the 'OK' button, the media will not be deleted

First I thought that this is affecting just a certain browser.....but this behaviour is everywhere...may be also a bug?


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  • krileon
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7 years 3 months ago #299216 by krileon
Works perfectly fine in my tests. No idea why the tooltip is closing immediately for you. That usage is used all throughout CB and a number of plugins. Don't have anything to suggest in that regard beyond ensuring everything is up to date. Once done if using any sort of JS caching extensions be sure to clear the cache.

Kyle (Krileon)
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