What I provided is a query for Advanced filtering. It doesn't go under Sorting. It will filter your userlist to only users without an active subscription of any kind. If you want to filter the userlist to every user that does not have an active subscription, but had a subscription at some point to a list of plans the below should work.
( ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` AS sub WHERE sub.`user_id` = u.`id` AND sub.`status` = 'A' ) = 0 ) AND ( ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__cbsubs_subscriptions` AS sub WHERE sub.`user_id` = u.`id` AND sub.`plan_id` IN ( 6, 39, 40, 41, 51, 45, 31, 42, 43, 44, 52 ) ) >= 1 )
If you've any further query needs please consult with a contract developer as I believe I've provided ample examples.