Ok, CB Reconfirm Email 4.0.3 should be out sometime today or early tomorrow. The following triggers were added.
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'reconfirm_onBeforeCancel', array( &$user, &$reconfirmEmail, $confirmcode ) );
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'reconfirm_onAfterCancel', array( $user, $reconfirmEmail, $confirmcode ) );
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'reconfirm_onBeforeConfirm', array( &$user, &$reconfirmEmail, $confirmcode ) );
$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'reconfirm_onAfterConfirm', array( $user, $reconfirmEmail, $confirmcode ) );
In your case you'd just use reconfirm_onAfterConfirm. The $user object is current user object with new email address already applied at this point. $reconfirmEmail is the object the plugin uses to handle the change. It'll contain the following variables.
from (old email address)
to (new email address)
code (activation code)
date (date of the request)
status (status of the request; P = pending, A = accepted, X = cancelled)