We already have client registration field in place for basic client ACL.
However we also need another ACL level for emergency response organisations.
Lets call the two ACL levels Client and EMR for now.
Clients are able to enter data that only they or EMR can see. Some client data is visible to the public however the rest is only visible to EMR level ACL or the client themselves.
That aspect we got cracked.
NOW the problem.
We need certain fields displayed for EMR at registration and NOT client registration and certain fields displayed for clients at registration and NOT displayed to EMR at registration.
Then we need certain fields displayed in the profiles to Clients and EMRs, BUT not have EMR fields displayed in client profiles.
OK figured it out you hide fields depending on plans.
Going to submit a wish list that this be added to the field tab so that you can select which plans the field is displayed to at registration in the field tab rather than in CB subs.