We have checked the DB table that you suggest and all appears in order. CBSubs is completely up to date. Currently we have two gateways installed, one to eWay, the other to eWay sandbox. Both have been tested in the recent past and had no edits in this area were made within the session in question.
More information on the problem:
To manage this error that froze the web server the host (Flexihosts) marked the folder: public_html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscritions as .bak (This means that both CB and CB Subs are inaccessible, CB appear but is unavalable to "Edit").
The PHP file within this folder that threw the error is: cbpaidinstanciator.php (at line 137).
The same error re-occurs if we remove the bak designation, the server application stops again and it is necessary to rename the folder to regain access to the site.
Immediately before the error occurred I was in CB Subs and added an ACL table reference to the “Registered Visitor” plan to point to Registered Visitor via a drop down box. The error occurred when Enter was pressed. Earlier in the day the ACL access table was edited to move some categories around.
The data field changed in the above step was traced to the database and appears to be: qop4i_ cbsubs_plans, the field in question: usergroup We have attempted to correct the error by removing the entries in user group but the same error reoccurs.
One option is to now reinstall CBSubs, however if this error is caused by a data inconsistency within the database them the same error is likely to reoccur.
What do you recommend? (We can provide access to the site if you wish.)
On the basis of how the error occurred it would seem to me that this is a serious “error bug” in the CBSubs code. Changing a configurable, open, data field value via a dropdown should not result in a total program fail.
Regards, Robert