Ok, i got it.
I used this for Send pm to user button:
[cb:if user="#displayed" user_id!="myid"][cb:userfield field="cb_pm" /][/cb:if]
inside the module and it works just fine!
As for friend request i tried the same though:
[cb:if user="#displayed" user_id!="myid"][cb:userfield field="cb_friendrequest" /][/cb:if]
without any success. I suppose that i have to use this:
[cb:if user="#displayed" user_id!="myid"] my field [/cb:if], in order to show my field to all users but myself. If i use [cb:userfield field="cb_friendrequest" /] inside if statement then i get nothing.
cb_friendrequest is actually a delimiter field and inside the field's description i use this:
<p><a href="index.php?option=com_comprofiler&act=connections&task=addConnection&connectionid=[user_id]" title="Add contact"><img src="images/add-contact.png" border="0" alt="Add Contact Button" title="Add Contact Button" width="100" height="25" /></a></p>
and then i try to load this field in profile through cb content module.
How should i make this work?
Also, what should i see if the friend request is sent properly and how the user will see if there are friend requests pending?
Thank you in advance