Unfortunately, no; CBSubs and CB it self have no export tool. This is absolutely something we'd like to add in the future.
For the time being I suggest using phpmyadmin, performing a query, then exporting the results (CSV, Text, etc..). Example query as follows.
, a.`name` AS Name
, a.`username` AS Username
, a.`email` AS Email
, c.`plan_id` AS Subscription
, d.`name` AS Plan
, c.`subscription_date` AS Subscribed
, c.`last_renewed_date` AS Renewed
, c.`expiry_date` AS Expires
FROM `jos_users` AS a
INNER JOIN `jos_comprofiler` AS b
ON b.`user_id` = a.`id`
INNER JOIN `jos_cbsubs_subscriptions` AS c
ON c.`user_id` = b.`user_id`
INNER JOIN `jos_cbsubs_plans` AS d
ON d.`id` = c.`plan_id`
WHERE a.`block` = 0
AND b.`confirmed` = 1
AND b.`approved` = 1
AND b.`banned` = 0
AND c.`status` = 'A'
The above should give you a nice list in phpmyadmin of all actively subscribed users and information about their plans. Note you may need to replace "jos_" with the actual prefix of your database tables.