Auto action recipe ?
First add the sauce then mix.. :silly:
I don't know where to go, conditionnal field, auto action, cb privacy ?
I suggest using CB Query Field and CB Conditionsl. The below is how you'd set this up.
First create a query field. Lets (for sake of example) name it Affiliate (cb_affiliate). You'd then set its query to the following.
SELECT `eduPersonAffiliation` FROM `CATEGORIE_USAGER` WHERE `uid` = '[username]';
Once done set it to External and configure the external parameters as necessary then save the field.
Now edit the Email field (primaryemailaddress) with the below configuration to condition it off your new query field.
Display: Field conditional self
Field: Affiliate
Operator: Equal To
Value: member
Mode: Hide
Registration: Disabled
Profile Edit: Enabled
Profile View: Disabled
Userlists Search: Disabled
Userlists View: Disabled
Direction: Two-Way