We are still using old version os Community builder 1.9.1 and it has been working great for us from last 9 years. I was upgrading the joomla from 3.4.6 to 3.6.5 (and later to 3.10) but I am getting a strange error when I try to open Groupjive Groups or Categories after upgrade to 3.6.5. I get an error on screen as
"Plugin id not found"
Can you please guide me as what is the issue here or any hint to troubleshoot or fix this issue will be of great help. To me it looks to be PHP 7.3 related and I may have to customize the plugin to handle it but wanted to check with you first as the error is relatively strange. I highly appreciate your inputs.
Last edit: 2 years 3 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject
We do not provide support for out of date products. We also cannot provide product support without an active subscription. Your install is substantially out of date. CB 1.9.1 is not compatible with Joomla 3 and it was released before PHP 7 even existed so it probably doesn't work well on PHP 7 either. Its last supported Joomla version was 2.5. It may install on Joomla 3.x, but you're doing so at your own risk.
I highly suggest resubscribing and updating CB and your addons. Otherwise you need to stop updating Joomla and lock down your install for security purposes. It is not realistic to keep updating the environment around 6 year old code and expecting it to still work smoothly.
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-- My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
You are right about old version of code and compatibility issue and I do not expect it to work either. However not every business runs on an ideal environment due to customization. Thanks for your suggestion and I will come to it later next year.
It was due to the reason that a function 'preg_replace' with /e was used in phpinputfilter library which is deprecated in PHP 7. I replaced with preg_replace_callback and it worked. I will check other similar ones. Next year we will opt for latest CB, groupjive