without it disappearing on the list page?
Here is the backstory...
1. We updated to the newest version of community builder
2. We have a field for the FORMAT NAME, which is the FULL NAME
3. We want this field displayed on the LIST PAGE
4. We only want it showing up ONCE on the DETAIL PAGE
I have tried:
1. putting format name in a tab that isn't displayed
- this solves the issue on the DETAIL PAGE
- BUT then I can't select it to display on a LIST PAGE
- I also get an error that it won't display
2. tried putting format name in a tab that isn't displayed to ALL USERS (registered tab)
same issue as above
3. Last try was to just 'HIDE' the title from displaying on the detail page, via CSS
- I wasn't thrilled with doing this, because then we have to adjust our CSS
I would think there is a way to do this, and I just haven't figured it out...any ideas??