krileon wrote: Edit your userlist within CB > List Management and under Parameters > Paging ensure you've a reasonable value set for "Number of entries per page" (e.g. 15 by default) as you maybe trying to display every user on your site on one page causing it to crash.
Thanks for your reply,
I tried that, also retried again now, the same error
500 Internal server error
Internal server error."
All links to user list, gives error including those under
control panel/user management
control panel/list management
control panel/list management/member list (clicking the link or choosing edit)
clicking on "new" also comes up with 500 error
I can copy but the copy also exhibits same error behavior - cant edit, cant open
I have ran the user database tools under tools, all came up green- no error detected
have tried all i can, including head scratching, hair pulling and screaming!
I can give you access if you want to check it yourself?