Hello all, I use PayPlans and I would like to add/show expiration date to CB user profile page and users list on front-end?
See screenshots below to see what I mean.
I have below code from PayPlans support Its working but need some changes.
This I added in /www/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.html.php
require_once JPATH_BASE.'/components/com_payplans/includes/api.php';
$subscriptions = PayplansApi::getSubscriptions(array('user_id' => '12'));
foreach ($subscriptions as $value) {
$subscription = PayplansSubscription::getInstance($value->subscription_id);
echo PayplansHelperFormat::date($subscription->getExpirationDate());
} [attachment=15964]profile-pages.png[/attachment] [attachment=15963]userlist-with-pp.png[/attachment]
The Payplans told me to change the user_id' => '12, to that I want but like this its will show just for that Id not for all user in Cb user-list. see screenshot profile-pages.png to get my point.
Also the code must be in other place to have in columns.
I have cloned all the site and database so if you think you can do anything with this I can PM you all site login details

I have turned Error Reporting to Development and Debug System in Global Configuration.