I'm having trouble registering a user using the API.
I've used the same basic code for this several times on pre-2.0 CB versions based on the tutorial here (
) without any issues, but on 2.x it doesn't seem to work.
When I try to register a user it adds the user to the __users table but it doesn't add the user to __comprofiler or the group table. I can sync the users with the CB user sync tool but the gid is still blank.
I noticed that the db adds a canvas and canvasapproved column so there's obviously been some db changes and I've noticed in my IDE that a couple of things are showing deprecated.
I can't seem to find any kind of actual detailed build change log so I'm not really sure what's changed where. Based on the original tutorial that I posted, could someone let me know what I need to tweak to get the registration working on 2.x?