I too am getting a cryptic failure for some reason and note that it happens *instantly* - no typical delay (while it uploads) before the error occurs. This happens instantly.
Error received is generic "Apache internal server error" - with no particular error number (i.e. error 500, etc) as follows:
"....Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator......"
Naturally this takes me out of the J! Administrator backend, and Extension Manager.
If I click
Back on my browser, I then do go back into the Extension Manager, and I see
(red "-" icon)
"Install path does not exist"
(blue "i" icon)
"Error installing component"
NOTE: Installing other components and modules (including as large or larger sized ones) I am having no issues.
Php.ini is set to 30MB for uploads.
Apache MOD_SECURITY is installed.
Permissions are all OK, ownership is fine though the Joomla Forum poster tool does seem to imply two things I need to look into further - and that is 1.) ownership is tied to the www-data Apache user and 2.) that apache2handler is the registered PHP API handler.
Outside of that, all files and folders are writable.
This is not a webhost, nor any provider. This is a "from scratch" built Ubuntu 11.x server by yours truly. So I have command line, root level access to the console. I get no clear how to or even WHO should the owner really be? (if that's the issue here)
And add to the confusion that no other extensions *so far* are having this issue - and are installing fine!
Suggestions? Ideas? Recommendations?
And yes I HAVE read the CB install guide. Naturally.
Thanks in advance!