Ok, So I am supporting a website which has a professional subscription, although my own personal account does not.
We have community builder installed, and groupJive and CB connect installed as plugins (amongst others)
In the CB profile are fields listed as fb_userid, twitter_userid, google_userid, linkedin_userid and windowslive_userid
(I assume that these are related to the CB Connect plugin.)
If I add a value to the field in the joomla/CB admin, then that field can be displayed on the user's CB profile in the front-end.
However, I can't seem to find any way to allow the USER to set these fields or to connect the existing Joomla Account to one (or more) of the social accounts.
(the system DOES show the two configured social connect options (facebook and twitter) as options during login... but nowhere can I find how to associate an existing Joomla account with the social account)
I have added the social fields to a tab, called "Social Connect"
Those fields with values show up on the user's profile DISPLAY.
When I got to edit my profile on the front end, the social connect tab is empty.
I am getting very frustrated and I am sure it's because I forgot something which is not in an obvious place or setting....
What am I missing?