psycl1 wrote: Hi, thank you for the help. But in my template file I don't have a <head>
And when I put the code in there, my site won't load and show only a blank page.
To be honest, if you don´t find the location in your template (which framework?), than you should not do any heavy edits to your CB installation. Though, in this case it is an addition to the default.php template file. At least, do this changes on a duplicate template...
Hint: There are joomla template frameworks, which loads the HEAD part in their own subfiles or php layout blocks! So, you will not see the typical head information in your top-most INDEX.php
As far as I understand your initial question... you might want a "grouping" in your list, right?! You can SORT a userlist by your ranking. Since sorting is only possible in DESC/ASC order... you have a slight problem with your alphabetical hierarchy
CoLeader would be listed before Leader... maybe a change to "Leader (Co)" is a workaround?!
Since you have no good visual differenciation with a simple "text" rank, you might create graphics for each rank. Then simply output them in another "delimiter" field.
You can also create multiple lists! A filter on your "rank" field is the key. Instead of the build-in list switcher... you might create multiple links to all of your lists. As menuitems OR manually above your global list!
PS: Gruß aus Hamburg