This is one way to accomplish this task - if someone has an easier way, I'd love to hear it
Backup your files / database before attempting the following hack!
I checked out the CB credits and noticed that the calendar in question was created by
Jason Moon
After going through his code, I was able to identify that the calendar javascript is located here: /components/com_comprofiler/js/calendardateinput.min.js.
The editable/easy-to-read version is 'calendardateinput.js' but will need to be recompressed/renamed prior to uploading to your server.
You will need to make a core edit to the javascript as follows on line 43:
var cbcalImageURL = cbTemplateDir + 'calendar_icon.jpg';
//Line 43: remove 'calendar_icon.jpg and replace with "" '
You will have to recompress the js using an editor like PSPad or by using a free online tool
such as this one
This hack will simply 'hide' the calendar popup from the registration page leaving the drop down fields available.